I don't know why he became a software engineer. He should have been a lawyer. Try arguing with him on anything under sun, and you will realize why I say that. I have given up arguing with him.
There is something else that makes him very interesting, and that is the amount of time he spends in self-admiration. He could give Narcissus a run for his money. Believe it or not, he applies over 5 different types of creams every day.
No. the topic of this post has got nothing to do with my roomy. Now, let me get to the topic in hand. Is it possible for someone to be selfless?? Everyone behaves selfishly, sometime or the other. I have lost count of the number of times I have acted selfish. We can only think of someone being low or high on Selfishness Index.
Aha!! There are one set of human beings who rank very low on this index. They are mothers. It is incredible to see how they put their children above them. They can sacrifice on anything for them.
Kudos to all the mothers of this world.
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