Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Latest Craze

The latest fad in town is running in a marathon. There has been a spate of marathons in India. Believe it or not, Bangalore hosted two marathons: A Full Marathon in May 2005 and a Half Marathon in December 2005. I wonder what caused this sudden interest in marathons?

As I see it, people run in marathons for following three reasons
  1. Give something to the society
  2. Running is good for health
  3. Just for the heck of it/Doing something different
One doesn't need a marathon, if the reasons are the first two. If it is the third, I don't see the person running for several times.

I checked the Marathon Calendar to see the international scene and found that there is a marathon almost everyday somewhere in the world. So, Bangalore is just catching up with world. I am unclear in my mind, about where I stand with the idea of a marathon. But, one thing is sure. I will never run in a marathon.

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