Sunday, October 23, 2005

The Movie Circle

I have watched 'Hulchal' on TV today. This is the first time I have seen the movie. It turned out to be a rip-off of the Telugu super hit 'Peddarikam', made over 12 years ago. Being an avid follower of Kappi-Man, the renowned wise man, who once said "There is nothing original in movies", I am not too sure if the Telugu movie was an original. So, let us settle on the fact that the Telugu movie was remake of movie X, which governed by the same law of movie-making would be a remake of movie Y, which... (Eh!! Are there movies made with a different story line at all??)

Imagine the tough job I have. I am an avid movie-goer, movies being a major source of my entertainment. I watch movies in four different languages. By the current trend, I would be reduced to the pitiful state of entertaining myself by watching the same movie in different languages.

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