Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Who am I??

What was the best part of the movie 'Spiderman'?? Special Effects? Action? There was something else in the movie which appealed a lot to me.

The movie starts with Peter Parker asking himself the all-important question 'Who am I??'. The entire movie is about the travails he endured while trying to find an answer. He finds an answer by the end of the movie, and the answer is 'I am Spiderman'. This aspect of the movie stuck with me.

I have tried answering the question several times, to no avail. I have been an achiever, farce, joker, freak, eccentric at different points in life. But no, I have never satisfactorily answered the question. My quest continues.........

1 comment:

SMS - Shanmugavel said...

In the drama called "Life", we are like actors. We play different roles - Friend, Son, SW Engg. etc. But we are *not* just these roles.